Bartolomé de las Casas: A Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies Year: 1552

Table of Contents

Bartolomé de las Casas: A Brief Account of theDestruction of the Indies
The Cruelties of the Spaniards Committed in America
Of the Continent
Of the Province of Nicaragua
Of New Spain
Of the Kingdom and Province of Guatimala
Of the Kingdom of Jucatan

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The Cruelties of the Spaniards Committed in America America was discovered and found out Ann. Dom. 1492, and the Year insuing inhabited by the Spaniards, and afterward a multitude of them travelled thither from Spain for the space of Nine and Forty Years. Their first attempt was on the Spanish Island, which indeed is a most fertile soil, and at present in great reputation for its Spaciousness and Length, containing in Circumference Six Hundred Miles: Nay it is on all sides surrounded with an almost innumerable number of Islands, which we found so well peopled with Natives and Foreigners, that there is scarce any Region in the Universe fortified with so many Inhabitants: But the main Land or Continent, distant from this Island Two Hundred and Fifty Miles and upwards, extends itself above Ten Thousand Miles in Length near the seashore, which Lands are some of them already discover’d, and more may be found out in process of time: And such a multitude of People inhabits these Countries, that it seems as if the Omnipotent God has Assembled and Convocated the major part of Mankind in this part of the World.

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