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Search result(s): 2341
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Pope Leo XIII: In Plurimis Year: 1888

The Essential Primary Sources
Publication Date:
Chapter Pages: 12 Available for purchase

Panama Canal Treaty Year: 1903

The Essential Primary Sources
Publication Date:
Chapter Pages: 8 Available for purchase

John Kenneth Turner: Barbarous Mexico Year: 1909

The Essential Primary Sources
Publication Date:
Chapter Pages: 10 Available for purchase

Francisco Madero: Plan of San Luis Potosí Year: 1910

The Essential Primary Sources
Publication Date:
Chapter Pages: 4 Available for purchase

Emiliano Zapata: Plan of Ayala Year: 1911

The Essential Primary Sources
Publication Date:
Chapter Pages: 4 Available for purchase

Constitution of Mexico Year: 1917

The Essential Primary Sources
Publication Date:
Chapter Pages: 12 Available for purchase