Concordat of Worms Year: 1122

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Concordat of WormsYEAR: 1122
Privilege of Pope Calixtus II
Edict of the Emperor Henry V

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I, bishop Calixtus, servant of the servants of God grant to thee beloved son, Henry—by the grace of august emperor of the Romans—that the elections of the bishops and abbots of the German kingdom, who belong to the kingdom, shall take place in thy presence, without simony and without any violence; so that if any discord shall arise between the parties concerned, thou, by the counsel or judgment of the metropolitan and the co-provincials, may’st give consent and aid to the party which has the more right. The one elected, moreover, without any exaction may receive the regalia from thee through the lance, and shall do unto thee for these what he rightfully should. But he who is consecrated in the other parts of thy empire [i.e. Burgundy and Italy] shall, within months, and without any exaction, receive the regalia from thee through the lance, and shall do unto thee for these what he rightfully should. Excepting all things which are known to belong to the Roman church. Concerning matters, however, in which thou dost make complaint me, and dost demand aid,—I, according to the duty of office, will furnish aid to thee. I give unto thee true peace, and to all who are or have been on thy side in the time of this discord.

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