John of Plano Carpini: History of the Mongols Year: 1247

Table of Contents

John of Plano Carpini:History of the MongolsYEAR: 1247
Chapter V: The Beginning of the Empire of the Tartars and Their ChiefMen, and the Dominion Exercised by the Emperor and the Princes
Chapter VI: Of War, Their Battle Array, Arms, Their Cunning in Engagements,Cruelty to Captives, Assault on Fortifications, Their Bad Faith withThose Who Surrender to Them, Etc.

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They are asked for many presents both by the princes and others of high and lower rank and if these are not forthcoming they despise them, indeed they consider them of no account; if they have been sent by men of importance, the Tartars are unwilling to receive a small gift from them, saying “You come from an important man and you give so little.” And they refuse to accept it and, if the envoys wish for success in their undertaking, they are bound to give larger gifts. On that account we had no choice but to bestow in gifts a great part of the things given to us by the faithful for our expenses.

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