Ibn al-'Arabi: The Meccan Illuminations 1203–1224

Table of Contents

Ibn al-’Arabi:The Meccan Illuminations
About the Author
Explanation and Analysis of the Document
Document Text

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The Meccan Illuminations (or Openings or Revelations) is the English title of Al-Futuhat al-Makiyya, a Sufi mystical text written in Arabic by the Spanish-born Muhyiddin Muhammad ibn al-'Arabi over a twenty-one year period, from 1203 to 1224. Its 560 chapters span all branches of Islamic learning and revolve around the concept of tawhid, or the unity and oneness of God. In this massive encyclopedic work, Ibn al-'Arabi thoroughly covers many topics from the Qur'an (Islam's sacred scripture) as well as prayer and fasting, theology, ontology (the study of the nature of being and existence), and metaphysics (the study of ultimate and fundamental reality).

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