Arusha Declaration Year: 1967

Table of Contents

Arusha Declaration
Part One. The TANU Creed
Part Two. The Policy of Socialism
We Are at War
A Poor Man Does Not Use Money as a Weapon
What of External Aid?
Do Not Let Us Depend upon Money for Development
Gifts and Loans Will Endanger Our Independence
We Have Put Too Much Emphasis on Industries
Let Us Pray and Heed to the Peasant
The People and Agriculture
Agriculture Is the Basis of Development
The Conditions of Development
Hard Work Is the Root of Development
Part Four. TANU Membership
Part Five. The Arusha Resolution

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A truly socialist state is one in which all people are workers and in which neither capitalism nor feudalism exists. It does not have two classes of people, a lower class composed of people who work for their living and an upper class of people who live on the work of others. In a really socialist country no person exploits another; everyone who is physically able to work does so; every worker obtains a just return for the labour he performs; and the incomes derived from different types of work are not grossly divergent. In a socialist country, the only people who live on the work of others, and who have the right to be dependent upon their fellows, are small children, people who are too old to support themselves, the crippled, and those whom the state at any one time cannot provide with an opportunity to work for their living.

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