Jahangir: Twelve Decrees Year: 1605

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Jahangir:Twelve DecreesYEAR: 1605

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On Thursday, the eighth of Jumada-s-sani, 1014 A. H. [Oct. 12, 1605 A. D.], I ascended the throne at Agra, in the thirty-eighth year of my age. The first order which I issued was for the setting up of a Chain of Justice, so that if the officers of the courts of justice should fail in the investigation of the complaints of the oppressed and in granting them redress, the injured persons might come to this chain and shake it, and thus give notice of their wrongs. I ordered that the chain should be made of pure gold and be thirty gaz long [about sixty feet], with sixty bells upon it. One end was firmly attached to a battlement of the fort of Agra, the other to a stone column on the bank of the river.

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