Evliya Çelebi: Book of Travels Year: ca. 1630–1672

Table of Contents

Evliya Çelebi:Book of TravelsYEAR: ca. 1630–1672
Governor of Diyarbakir (1640)
Story of the Conquest of Mt. Saçh, that is Mr. Sincar, at the Hands of MelekAhmed Pasha, the Serdar
Completion of the Adventure of the Gaza against Mt. Saçh
Fatma Sultan (1662)
The Strange and Wondrous Adventure of Melek Ahmed Pasha
Noteworthy Deeds of Melek Ahmed Pasha
Complaint of Melek over Fatma Sultan, Daughter of Ahmed Khan

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Firari Mustafa Pasha had camped at the foot of Sincar castle with his sealike army. One side of Mt. Sincar is called Saçh Dagi (“Mountain of the Hairy Ones” ) and on that merciless mountain live 44,000 or 45,000 Yezidis and Bapiris, dog worshippers, worse than infidels, a band of rebels and brigands and perverts, resembling ghouls of the desert, hairy heretic Yezidi Kurds. These people felt not the slightest fear or awe toward the commander, Firari Mustafa Pasha, nor did they pay him the respect of even a token gift. The commander was extremely annoyed because of this. That day he said: “Evliya Çelebi, I have heard that when our father, your lord, Melek Ahmed Pasha was camped in this place as we are, these Saçh Dagi infidels paid him no respect either, and so he punished them severely and got quite a lot of booty. Could you tell me something about that conquest?”

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