Joseph Hartz: “Harris, Prophet, West Africa, 1914”

Table of Contents

Joseph Hartz: “Harris, Prophet, West Africa, 1914”
About the Author
Explanation and Analysis of the Document
Document Text

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The focus of this document is Father Joseph Hartz’s noted observation of William Wadé Harris (1860– 1932), a Liberian Christian from the Glebo (or Grebo) ethnic group. Known as Prophet Harris, this evangelical figure traveled the African west coast nations of Liberia, Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), and Ghana spreading an early version of the prosperity gospel. Though educated in Methodist teachings, he later joined the American Episcopal Mission, but he seemingly tolerated all forms Christianity, refraining from dividing them into religious segments along the lines of tribalism. Indeed, he met with Catholics and Protestants alike in his travels and engaged in his proselyting indiscriminately, holding only his interpretation of the word of God as his standard.

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