The Schlager Anthology of the Ancient World  
A Student’s Guide to Essential Primary Sources
Published by Schlager Group Inc.
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9781961844193
Pages: 526


ISBN: 9781961844193 Price: USD 135.00
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In 1276 BCE the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II and Emperor Hattusilis III (also called Hattusili) of Hatti concluded the Egyptian-Hittite Peace Treaty, ending some eighty years of warfare between the two ancient superpowers. Although this was not the first peace treaty in history, the Egyptian-Hittite Peace Treaty is the oldest known accord between independent states of equal status and power. A bronze replica prominently displayed in the United Nations building in New York reflects its status as a milestone document in diplomatic history.

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In 1276 BCE the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II and Emperor Hattusilis III (also called Hattusili) of Hatti concluded the Egyptian-Hittite Peace Treaty, ending some eighty years of warfare between the two ancient superpowers. Although this was not the first peace treaty in history, the Egyptian-Hittite Peace Treaty is the oldest known accord between independent states of equal status and power. A bronze replica prominently displayed in the United Nations building in New York reflects its status as a milestone document in diplomatic history.

Table of contents
  1. Cover
  2. Half Title
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Table of Contents
  6. Reader’s Guide
  7. List of Contributors
  8. Acknowledgements
  9. Introduction
  10. Chapter 1 Egypt and Early Africa
    1. Pyramid Texts
    2. “Instructions of Ptahhotep”
    3. “Hymn to the Nile”
    4. Egyptian Book of the Dead
    5. Nebmare-nakht: A Scribal Schoolbook (Papyrus Lansing)
    6. Divine Birth and Coronation Inscriptions of Hatshepsut
    7. “Great Hymn to the Aten”
    8. Egyptian-Hittite Peace Treaty
    9. Victory Stela of Piankhi
    10. Inscription of Ezana
  11. Chapter 2 The Hittite Empire in Anatolia
    1. Anitta Text
      1. Date
      2. Author
      3. Type
      4. Significance
    2. Hittite Laws
    3. Deeds of Suppiluliuma
    4. Mursili II: Plague Prayers
    5. Hattusili III: Apology
  12. Chapter 3 Near East
    1. Instructions of Shuruppag
    2. Reform Edict of Urukagina
    3. “Sargon’s Defeat of Lugalzagesi”
    4. Enheduanna: Hymns to Inana
    5. Victory Inscription of Utu-hegal
    6. Curse of Agade
    7. Letter of Shulgi to Ishbi-Erra
    8. Hymn of the Righteous Sufferer
    9. Code of Hammurabi
    10. Epic of Gilgamesh
    11. Enuma Elish
    12. Bible: Genesis
    13. Bible: Exodus
    14. Middle Assyrian Laws
    15. Bible: Deuteronomy
    16. Bible: Jeremiah
    17. Bible: 1 Samuel
    18. Neo-Babylonian Chronicle 3
    19. Book of Enoch
  13. Chapter 4 Persia
    1. Verse Account of Nabonidus
    2. Cyrus Cylinder
    3. Darius the Great: Behistun Inscription
    4. Darius the Great: Tomb Inscriptions
    5. Xerxes I: Daiva Inscription
    6. Contract of Mibtahiah’s Third Marriage
    7. Zend Avesta
  14. Chapter 5 India
    1. Rig Veda
    2. Valmiki: Ramayana
    3. Upanishads
    4. Jain Sutras
    5. Yoga Sutras of Patañjali
    6. Kautilya: Arthashastra
    7. Rock and Pillar Edicts of Asoka
    8. Ashvamedha Parva
    9. Bhagavad Gita
    10. Laws of Manu
    11. Lotus Sutra
    12. Heart Sutra
  15. Chapter 6 East Asia
    1. Classic of Poetry: Chinese Agricultural Calendar
    2. Noble Eightfold Path
    3. Sun Tzu: The Art of  War
    4. Analects of Confucius
    5. Mandate of Heaven
    6. Canon of Filial Piety
    7. Han Feizi
    8. Classic of Rites
    9. Sima Qian on His Own Castration
    10. Sima Qian: Biography of Ji An
    11. Huan Kuan: Discourses on Salt and Iron
    12. Ban Gu: “Treatise on Food and Money”
    13. Ban Zhao: Lessons for a Woman
    14. Kojiki
    15. Nihongi
  16. Chapter 7 Archaic and Early Classical Greece
    1. Homer: Iliad
    2. Hesiod: Theogony
    3. Herodotus: “On Libya”
    4. Herodotus: “On Darius”
    5. Funeral Oration of Pericles
    6. Orphic Tablets and Hymns
    7. Aristotle: Constitution of Sparta
    8. Aristotle: “The Nature, End, and Origin of the States”
    9. Aristotle: Athenian Constitution
    10. Aristotle: Constitution of Carthage
  17. Chapter 8 Late Classical and Hellenistic Greece
    1. Hippocratic Oath
    2. Plato: Meno
    3. Plato: “Of Wealth, Justice, Moderation, and Their Opposites”
    4. Plato: “Allegory of the Cave”
    5. Aristotle: Metaphysics
    6. Cleanthes: “Hymn to Zeus”
    7. Polybius: The Histories
    8. Pseudo-Sibylline Oracles
  18. Chapter 9 The Roman Republic
    1. Marcos Cato (the Elder): On Agriculture
    2. Lucretius: On the Nature of Things
    3. Cicero: On the Laws
    4. Law of Caesar on Municipalities
    5. Virgil: Aeneid
  19. Chapter 10 The Roman Empire
    1. Deeds of the Divine Augustus
    2. Plutarch: “Life of Alexander”
    3. Pliny the Elder: “An Account of the World and the Elements”
    4. Tacitus: Germania
    5. Juvenal: The Satires
    6. Arrian: The Campaigns of Alexander
    7. Marcus Aurelius: Meditations
    8. Laws Ending Persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire
    9. Theodosian Code
    10. Sozomen: Ecclesiastical History
  20. List of Documents by Category
    1. Artifacts
    2. Essays, Reports, Manifestos, and Narratives
    3. Legal
    4. Royal Edicts and Proclamations
  21. Index
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