“King Andrew The First” Cartoon

Table of Contents

“King Andrew The First”Cartoon
About the Artist
Document Image
Explanation and Analysis of theDocument

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“King Andrew the First” is a political cartoon dating from approximately 1833. It shows a caricature of President Andrew Jackson in the guise of a royal figure. The image is packed with symbols of royal or imperial authority. Jackson wears an elaborate crown and a heavy, fur-lined cloak over a robe. He carries a mace in his right hand and wears a sword at his hip. He is clad in elaborate shoes and is standing on tattered copies of the Constitution of the United States and bills for internal improvements and the chartering of the U.S. Bank. Behind him is a throne surrounded by large velvet curtains, with an image of an imperial eagle to its right. In front of him lies a tattered book with its cover torn and leaves ripped out, bearing the title “Judiciary of the U. States.”

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