Pat Oliphant: “There He Goes Again” Cartoon

Table of Contents

Pat Oliphant: “There HeGoes Again” Cartoon
About the Artist
Document Image
Explanation and Analysis of theDocument

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Ronald Reagan, Republican President of the United States from 1981 to 1989, was famous for his ability to negotiate foreign and domestic policy issues without ever seeming to forfeit his popularity with the American public. Good-natured, with a quick sense of humor and a well-earned reputation as a good public speaker, Reagan seemed to many informed observers to use his public image to cover up the problems besetting the United States in the 1980s during his presidency—and possibly, because of his presidency. In this cartoon, the eminent political cartoonist Pat Oliphant highlights Reagan’s ability to navigate one political issue after another without doing damage to his popularity, while his opponents simply remain sidelined, unable to turn any of these issues to their own political advantage.

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