“Los Sediciosos”

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“Los Sediciosos”
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“Los Sediciosos” (“The Seditionists”) was a poem written in Mexico in 1915 and set to music. The writing comments on the struggle and uprising along the Texas-Mexican border during the Mexican Revolution in the second decade of the twentieth century. The Mexican Revolution began around 1910 both as a response to the authoritarian polities of President Porfirio Díaz and as a reaction to Mexico’s seeming reliance on the United States. American involvement in the revolution further upset many in Mexico, especially those close to the United States border, who often dealt with Americans on a regular basis. “Los Sediciosos,” a corrido or folk ballad, depicts the fight between Mexicans in Texas (the seditionists) and Texas Rangers, both of whom conducted raids across the border in the midst of the Mexican Revolution.

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