Donald Trump: State of the Union Address

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Donald Trump: State of the Union Address
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President Donald J. Trump gave his first and only State of the Union Address before a joint session of Congress in late January of 2018. He took the opportunity to highlight what he considered some of his administration’s more notable accomplishments over the previous year since his inauguration, such as tax reform and job creation, and plans to overhaul the nation’s infrastructure and repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Trump also devoted much of his speech to the issue of immigration, which had been a key plank in his platform while campaigning for president. He told personal stories of people directly impacted by the flow of migrants into the United States either illegally or by exploiting legal ambiguities. These individuals, who were present for the speech, included the parents of two teenage girls killed by members of MS-13, a criminal gang with a presence stretching across the United States and Central America, and an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent targeted for assassination by MS-13.

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