Chapter 11: “The Decade of the Hispanic” and Hispanic Politics in the 1980s

Table of Contents

“The Decade of the Hispanic”and Hispanic Politics in the 1980s
Cuban Immigration to South Florida
Legislative Protection for HispanicAmericans
The “Decade of the Hispanic”

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The 1980s represented a significant change for Hispanics in America, largely due to the geopolitical events happening around the Western Hemisphere. Much of America’s knowledge of Latino culture had been centered around the Mexican American experience in the previous century. However, with events happening in Latin American countries in the 1960s and proliferating in the 1980s, leading to the redefining of America’s Hispanic population from just “Mexican” to “Latino” and ultimately, “Latino/x,” the narrative began to change. The marked shift in geopolitics would also substantially shift the narrative about Latino immigration to the United States and make it a deeply contested topic coming into and out of the 1980. Immigration offered great opportunities for those coming to the United States from Latin American nations, but it also became a deeply divisive force in American society and politics.

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